Saturday, March 29, 2008

I still want to ask.

First of all, this is the news (and it's not even April Fools Day):

For a span of six dates this coming June, Ted Leo and The Pharmacists will temporarily leave behind a trail of intimate clubs and humid festival grounds to rock a different crowd as the opener for Pearl Jam.

There's a part of me making some major considerations about the price of airfare and Madison Square Garden tickets.

Not news: For years I thought the concept of a fish taco was gross. While I am one of those vegetarians who will sometimes eat things that come from the ocean and it's in my blood to enjoy some of it, fish tacos sounded like a really bad idea that I didn't realize actually existed until after moving to this coast. Yesterday, I thought I'd give it a go. I was making most decisions based on eenie-meenie-miney-mo, and that's what it landed on.

...It was not a good idea.

But a few good things:

+ Finding the "THANKS FOR THE ASS IN BED" sign I thought I lost! (I think it's a sign.)
+ Cutting off even more of my hair, ditching the pink, donning the Snow White headband
+ Leo, just in general
+ Hoping that the sweet $10 hi-tops I saw yesterday are still there today waiting for me to buy them

Tonight has way too many options including but not limited to:

Tennis Pro cd release @ King Cobra
Besties and half of BOAT @ Stickman Coffee
Megasapien @ Ground Zero

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