Thursday, January 31, 2008

Textplosion madness.

Barring textplosive celebratory conversations, this is the most text messages I've ever received all at once. Apparently a lot of people or maybe just one or two have a lot of things they want to say to me that they don't want me to hear or read. Call, people. It's probably going to be like this for another week or two.

In two weeks I'll be old enough to go see your band almost always. It's especially funny telling that to people I've known since I was 14. I can't believe there are people I've known that long that aren't blood-related that are still in my life. I freakin' love that. I think it's amazing. I never really thought about it, and there they are.

Last night I hung out with Lucas and Zac (I think without an h or k, but I could be wrong) and kinda Kathryn and Barda. It was a really nice time (and I wish I had a better word for it, but I don't just yet). And afterwards, driving through town again felt so perfect. And though I still think I'd rather be on that side of the bridges, even the freeway felt good. The mix I've slowly been compiling is timed exactly right for the drive, and right now those songs just make me smile so big. I'm so grateful to be back here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Living with the living.

Now that I'm ready to make my return, certain mundane necessities have resurfaced. Namely, I've resumed looking at jobs and potential places to live (but at the very least a place for band practice besides my family's basement). I found a gorgeous and inexpensive 4-bedroom house and I'd love to get some housemates for it, but I don't feel certain I can sort that out fast enough. As for jobs, I began my search at the library where, according to the job listing, "There may be some exposure to angry or hostile individuals." Amazing.

In other non-news, my phone broke when I fell on it the other night. I can still take and make calls and hear when people text message me, but that's it. I can't know who I'm talking to until the other person talks, read received texts or send 'em, etc. At first this seemed like it could be fun, but listening to the familiar chime of an incoming message is becoming torturous.

All that aside:
+ the Chris Walla record is beautiful
+ the video for "Sing Again" is adorable
+ I have strawberry Pez.
+ I've been writing some songs that I actually like.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Oh yeah.

Yesterday I had pretty much all of my hair cut off. I'm going to save a bundle on shampoo and conditioner!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I really do still like you.

I was writing an email to a friend and realized it says the same thing I need to say to a few folks, most of whom live in Seattle or Bellingham or the general vicinity of Seattlingham:

...sorry for not being more in touch lately. It's been taking me a while to get over things (sickness, shit-quality people and the shit-quality things they've done, myself, etc.). Mostly myself, really.... Anyway, I'm a lot better now but still kind of wobbly about human contact and waking up with blood crusting in my nose (no need to thank me for that image) which is maybe a little bit of a worry. I'm working on it. I start practicing with Chris soon which should help. Anyway, I will call you soon is all I mean.

...slightly edited. I think "shit-quality" is a little more accurate than "shitty" somehow. And you don't need to know about how Gmail was splitting my letters up instead of words... Though now you know anyway. And the email didn't actually namecheck Chris as this person doesn't know the guy so it wouldn't have made sense to. But that sums it up. Chances are I was supposed to hang out with you then I got sick for two and a half weeks and hoped my heart would stop hurting so much by the time my cold-stomach flu-cough-normal flu-nausea-general physical takeover subsided but it didn't. In some cases I even tried hanging out with you in this state. I was probably weird (more than usual, I mean). Sorry about that.

I've been staying up too late lately, I'll be 21 years old in less than a month and I'm not sure when it will be 2008.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

make more sense.

The night that would have been new year's eve, someone told me exactly the words I needed to be told. I don't even know how he meant it or what he meant by it, but when that kind of thing happens, I have no place questioning it. Sometimes I can only be supremely grateful for the good people in my life who see good things in me. Without you, there's no telling how lost I'd be.